Bonjour à tous!
Enfin je prends le temps de partager quelques photos avec vous! Vous trouverez différentes séries de photos. D'autres viendront se rajouter au fil du temps...
Merci de me laisser vos commentaires!

Hello everyone!
I'm finally taking the time to share some of my pictures with you! You will find varied groups of photographs...
with more to come....

Enjoy, and thanks for writing some comments!


Avec plus d'un milliard de personnes, autant de couleurs, de bruits et d'odeurs, le voyageur, d'abord craintif, étonné, dérouté puis pris dans le tourbillon, va vite se transformer en fourmi afin de contribuer et vivre dans cette fourmilière. Jamais seul, toujours entouré.

With more than one billion people, and just as many colours, sounds and smells, the traveler being timid at first, surprised, lost, then taken into the whirlpool, will quickly transform himself into one of these little ants to contribute and live in this anthill. Never alone, always surrounded.

Rush hour, New Delhi.
Vue du ciel, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu.
Best Chapatis, Bombay.
Missed her stop, Munnar, Tamil Nadu.
Man of prayers, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Kwality, Pune, Maharashtra.
Elections, Mandawa, Rajasthan.
2nd class-seater, Lonavla, Maharashtra.
Elephanta Island, Maharashtra.
Playing cards, Cochin, Kerala.
Ladies, Bombay.
Chai Chai, Agra Station, Uttar Pradesh.
Entrance of temple, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
The way to the Havelis, Rajasthan.
Kite Festival, Bombay.
Breakdance, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu.
Merry-go-round, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu.
Under the bridge, Delhi.
Last smoke, Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
After the rain, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Train passenger, Lonavla, Maharashtra.
Fish market, Cochin, Kerala.
Waiting for the train, Pune, Maharashtra.
The city Palace, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Sunset in Cochin,Kerala.
Queen's necklace, Bombay.