Bonjour à tous!
Enfin je prends le temps de partager quelques photos avec vous! Vous trouverez différentes séries de photos. D'autres viendront se rajouter au fil du temps...
Merci de me laisser vos commentaires!

Hello everyone!
I'm finally taking the time to share some of my pictures with you! You will find varied groups of photographs...
with more to come....

Enjoy, and thanks for writing some comments!


La nature se bat, bon gré mal gré. Elle reste belle, elle ne bouge pas. C'est le monde autour qui bouge et ajoute des éléments à son oeuvre...

Nature struggles, gladly or against its will. It remains beautiful, it does not move. It is the world around it which moves and adds different elements to its art piece...

Dunes of snow, Hamilton, Canada
Field of dreams, Bayfield, Canada
Recyclable Garden, Paris, France
Seagull, Port Dalhousie, Canada
Oasis, Sinai, Egypte
Messages on a tree, Paris, France.
Lake Ontario, Toronto, Canada
window on a wall, Buffalo, U.S.A
Tree against rock, Bruce Peninsula, Canada


Le monde urbain est partout. Le béton couvre l'herbe, les panneaux publicitaires sont rois, les murs grandissent et deviennent des moyens d'expressions. Les oiseaux, quant à eux, observent les constructions et destructions...

The urban world is all around. Concrete replaces grass, advertising boards rule, walls become bigger and a means of expression. As for birds, they observe these constructions and destructions...

Ground Zero, New York, U.S.A
Danse Cafe, Washington D.C, U.S.A.
Deux mondes, La défense, France.
Gouttières, Paris, France.
Historia, Mexico city, Mexico.
Train vs trees, Hamilton, Canada.
Millenium Bridge, Paris, France.
Moulins à eaux, La Défense, France
Pigeons 2, Hamilton, Canada.
Destruction, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Hug your world, Guelph, Canada.
Pigeons, New York, U.S.A.
Dream Catcher, Toronto, Canada.
Rain on a hamac, Toronto, Canada.
Joseph, London, England
Metro, Paris, France
Buvez Coca-Cola, Paris, France